A Nikon D70s, to be exact.
Oh yeah!
I have already given my offspring many stern lectures about laying a finger or any other appendage on my camera. I have plans to buy a lame point-and-shoot for them. Maybe one with shock absorbers :)?
Now that I'm back in business camera-wise, it's time for me to get down to bid-ness. Here are some sad pictures of the state of things in some parts of our house.
The laundry room.
Sophie's closet.
My closet--eek.
I know, I know. The horror!
We had our popcorn ceilings removed while we were away on vacation in August. That is the good news.
The bad news is that we stashed everything from our rooms into our un-popcorned closets on top of stuff that we hadn't unpacked/organized from the move. The icing on the cake is that all of this is now covered with drywall dust. Drywall dust is of the devil! It seeps into every crack and crevice.
Anyway, now that the kids are back in school, I'm excited to do some organization and cleaning to make our home function better. You know you are officially a nerdy mom when cleaning and organization make you feel a sense of giddy anticipation :).
Look at some of these fun pics I snapped with my new love this morning. A good camera is so fun!
I guess you really DID hit rock bottom. ;) And congrats again on the camera!