Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Makeover Frippery

This post will reveal to the world just how shallow I am.  

So, here it is:

I am getting a haircut tomorrow and need to figure out HOW I want to have it done.  I have been lazy and busy and haven't had a haircut for about 9 months (unless you count my DIY bang trims).  My hair is currently longer than it's been for years--just past shoulder length.  It is thinner than usual, since I am still experiencing the fun I-just-had-a-baby hair loss, complete with baby bangs sprouting around my hairline.  Ah, the things we do for love.  My hair is still pretty thick, though, and quite fine and straight.

So, I went to iVilliage's makeover tool.  I've used it before, but boy is it updated and really easy to use.  Upload a picture, sign your life away by sharing some of your personal info, configure a few settings, and in 5 minutes you are ready to play.  I have seriously wasted two hours I'll never get back having the time of my life trying all sorts of new looks and hairstyles.  So, here are some options:

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9 to 5, anyone?

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Do I look like a "California Gurl" in this sweet 'do?

The program also lets you do make-up separately or try on celebrities' whole "looks".

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I'm supposed to look like Carrie Underwood.  Yes, I know it's spooky.

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Here is Claire Daines--ahem, I mean me.  I actually think this one is kind of pretty--but I am not nearly high maintenance enough to go blond.

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This is me as Christina Aguilera.  If I ever decide to quit my day job and put on the red light, if you know what I mean, this look would carry me far...

Note: sorry for the distracting bands of my own hair on some of the styles.  You can sort of virtually pull the hairstyles around your face to cover your hairline, but it would definitely work better if you took a dedicated makeover shot with your hair pulled back and looked straight at the camera.  I am still stymied by what to do about my broken camera (IE buy a nice DSLR? buy another point and shoot?) and so I had to use what I had stored in my computer.

Anyway, enough ridiculousness.  Here are some legitimate contenders:


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I kind of like the piece-y bangs, but don't think my hair could maintain this texture day-in/day-out without a lot of work.

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I like this one--I'd add side-swept bangs, but this would work if I want to keep it fairly long.


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I actually think this is pretty cute, but I dont' know if I'm willing to go so short for this haircut.  Maybe next time?  And it wouldn't end up being this poofy on me because my hair just doesn't poof without an insane amount of effort.

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This is pretty, too.  I would add more actual bangs.  Is it just me, or is it similar to #2, but just styled differently?

Any comments would be totally appreciated.  I'll let you know what I end up doing tomorrow!


  1. I like #4 because its simple, chic, and very very very mom-friendly! Though your hubs might appreciate the blonde :)

  2. I am voting for #4 too. With the blonde hair I thought you looked like Alice Hearne. Which is not a bad thing. I just have never thought of you as blonde. A new hair do is so fun. Can't wait to see the result.

  3. Hey guys, I think I am leaning towards #4 as well--although I wasn't planning to go blond. I was just having fun not facing my laundry, etc. today. Check out my other options if you have a chance and let me know if you like anything else...


Please feel free to comment. I love to read what other people think!