Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Good News and a Good (maybe too good) Book

Exciting news!  Despite all my stress, we have found a house to buy here.  Yee-haw!

My husband was talking to some acquaintances at church, who connected us with some of their friends who were planning to sell, but whose house wasn't on the market yet.  It is just the kind of place we have been looking for.  We close in just three weeks!

Here are a few pictures to whet your appetite:

 Isn't the yard beautiful?

I'm excited to decorate my front porch!

There will be lots more where that came from as we move in and start decorating.

So, moving means I should be madly taking things to the Goodwill, making lists, reserving moving trucks, throwing stuff away, starting to pack, right?.

But am I?


Uh, no.

And this is why:

I miraculously found this at my local library without a hold on it last night, and so I spent the entire day reading except for brief respites to cook, chauffeur and put out fires--don't worry, not literally.

Has anybody else read this and found yourself  spending every spare minute devouring it?  Anyone?  Please tell me I'm not the only one to get sucked in by a page-turning book.

Anyway, I finished it and will now return to my regularly scheduled (and very much needed) programming of getting ready to move.  Wish me luck!


  1. realhousewifeofidahoApril 27, 2011 at 6:15 AM

    Good luck wtih your move. That porch is to die for! Soooo jealous! The moving part isn't so fun but starting fresh in a new place is. I should have said glad to have found your blog again.

    I have the entire Hunger Games series. I have been in school the past two years and had too much studying + family duties that I stopped reading "extra" books. This past week I read 2 and am on my 3rd. Hunger Games series is next. ;)

  2. Did you clip that backyard out of a magazine? Just incredible! Never heard of the book, but very intrigued :) XOL

  3. Erin, that's GREAT news! I'm so pleased for you. How exciting! And how amazing that it all feel into place so easily.

    I think getting sucked into a good book is one of the best feelings in the world. There's nothing quite like it, is there? I've not heard of this book....but I'll have to look it up now. You've got me all curious!!



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